Here are some pictures from the weekend. The first was taken at Monkey Joe's, the rest at our house.
Don't you love that look of concentration on his face? Despite the apparent seriousness, Dom was so excited to do this project. We used burlap and a monster tapestry needle, which is fairly blunt. I wish I could take credit for the idea, but I'm not nearly crafty enough: it came from this book.
The design began as chocolate and an apple, but the apple became a cone and the chocolate a hole in the ground, and then for a brief moment the cone went back to being an apple. Ultimately what we see is a dirty cone next to a hole in the ground, all surrounded by grass. It's pure Dominick, both in style and execution. All I did was tie off ends and prepare the thread for him. I think we'll be buying some different colors of embroidery floss soon to see what else he can create.
I'm very proud.
Dom embracing his photo album
I made good on my end of the bargain and took Dom to the dollar store for a treat after we were finished. He picked what might have been the worst possible item in the store: a four-pack of whistles. What?!? I blame my five-day-and-counting headache for preventing me from thinking clearly enough to veto that decision. Maybe I can barter with him for something else.