Weight: about 47 pounds (75th percentile)
I knew he was tall! These numbers are not specific because I was expecting the usual growth sheet from the doctor today, but he has now outgrown them.
I've decided to start doing a little interview with the boys each year, so below are Dominick's answers from last week. Noel was a bit sick today, but as soon as he's feeling better I'm going to ask him the same things.
Favorite movie: Cars, the big long one
Favorite TV show: Little red train [the Little Einsteins episode "Go West, Young Train"]
Favorite book: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Favorite song: "Puff, the Magic Dragon"
Favorite drink: Root beer [He's had it once, on his birthday three weeks ago. I don't let him drink soda.]
Favorite color: Black and orange because I like drawing cones out of them.
Favorite clothes: Thomas shirt but I'd like to have a picture of a hot dog on a shirt.
Favorite place to go: Monkey Joe's
Favorite restaurant: Sweet Tomatoes
What do you like to play? Thomas box car with Mr. Jolly's Chocolate
What do you like about Mommy? I like zipping things. [zips my jacket]
What do you like about Daddy? It's tricky to remember...I like Daddy to play with me.