28 April 2009

Dom's first dental checkup

Yes, I know...Dominick is five and should have been to the dentist long ago. Bad me. I put it off forever, telling myself it was because of insurance questions when the real reason was that I dreaded it. Given Dom's refusal to let the dentist (our dentist) see his mouth after he knocked his tooth out last spring, I didn't have high hopes, but the boy surprised me: he did great! He went back (without me) willingly and cooperated marvelously through x-rays and all, though he said he kept closing his mouth during the cleaning portion. There were no tears, no fighting, nothing. At the end he got to pick out a toothbrush, a prize and three stickers. You can imagine his joy to discover that Lightning McQueen was one of the toothbrush choices. (Of course, now Noel wants one, too.) Also, he got a sticker and photograph for his book, mailed to him prior to the appointment. Here's the picture. He's looking pretty tough in it.

I made good on my end of the bargain and took Dom to the dollar store for a treat after we were finished. He picked what might have been the worst possible item in the store: a four-pack of whistles. What?!? I blame my five-day-and-counting headache for preventing me from thinking clearly enough to veto that decision. Maybe I can barter with him for something else.

04 April 2009

Lazy Saturday night

In lieu of a real post, I'm just letting you know I uploaded more photos from Dominick's camera onto the Picasa site (see embedded slideshow). He obviously likes to take pictures of his brother, who also had a turn with the camera tonight, resulting in a few self-portraits (chin and mouth only). There's quite a lapse between the earlier images and those just loaded, but I think it's because SOMEBODY cleared off the camera in between. Too bad--I'm sure there were some cute ones! I'm also updating the boys' likes in the sidebar.