10 July 2009

Dom's new hobby

Look what Dominick did this afternoon:

Don't you love that look of concentration on his face? Despite the apparent seriousness, Dom was so excited to do this project. We used burlap and a monster tapestry needle, which is fairly blunt. I wish I could take credit for the idea, but I'm not nearly crafty enough: it came from this book.

The design began as chocolate and an apple, but the apple became a cone and the chocolate a hole in the ground, and then for a brief moment the cone went back to being an apple. Ultimately what we see is a dirty cone next to a hole in the ground, all surrounded by grass. It's pure Dominick, both in style and execution. All I did was tie off ends and prepare the thread for him. I think we'll be buying some different colors of embroidery floss soon to see what else he can create.

I'm very proud.