20 June 2007

My eye!

I'm writing tonight through bleary eyes, or rather, a bleary right eye. For two days now I have been suffering from a corneal abrasion. Wow, that hurts. Today has been much better than yesterday, when it was a miracle that I didn't have a wreck driving home from playgroup. The sun was at its absolute brightest just to spite me. I've just started an antibiotic and pain-relief eyedrops, and the ghastly redness is going away.

Yesterday was also fun because Dominick got almost his entire left arm stuck inside a toy's ball chute during playgroup. We had to use olive oil to release it. Fortunately, no lasting harm was done.

My dad, who is in town helping my grandma prepare for a yard sale, had a good idea for dealing with Dom's nighttime issues. Last night he told Dom to order the lights to stay on the ceiling, so they both pointed sternly at the light and said "Stay!" Maybe it was only a coincidence, but Dom slept all night without any disturbances. He did the same thing tonight, so we'll see how it goes. My fingers are crossed.


Brandi said...

Okay, I'm having playgroup withdrawls...what happened to Dom??? What toy did he get stuck in? I'm assuming he is fine...

Kelly said...

Here is the toy: http://www.leapfrog.com/Primary/Infant/PRD_playgroundv2/LearnAroundtrade+Playground+with+tube+topper.jsp?bmLocale=en_US

Note the bold text in the description. Apparently Dom isn't the first kid to get caught in this toy. There is a small triangular piece that sticks out into the chute and pushes back into the side when a ball passes through. The piece pressed into Dom's arm and kept him from pulling it out. Kim said the manufacturer sent out a piece to fit in the opening for that very reason, but one of the kids must have taken it out. However, with a little olive oil, Dom's arm came out, and he calmed down. It was scary, though. I didn't think his arm was going to budge at first.

In a similar vein, Noel woke up at 4:45 am today with his little thigh tightly wedged between the slats of the crib. We had to use lotion to free him. What a week these boys have had!

Kelly said...

I don't think that link is going to work, so if not, the toy is the Learn-Around™ Playground with tube topper from Leap Frog.