12 August 2007



Can you tell how excited I am? It's quite amazing how my perspective on human waste has changed since having kids. Dominick was excited, too, especially since he finally had something to flush. He just returned from spending the weekend at his grandma's, where he peed on the toilet three times yesterday. After tonight, I have hope for Dom being able to start preschool in four weeks.

Noel also had a productive weekend. Yesterday, he sat up unassisted, though it was actually a high kneel. Does that count? (I made sure he was not W-sitting.) He likes to kneel while bouncing and jamming on the alligator piano. And today, he pulled up to a stand, using me as his support.

Mike had a very productive four-day weekend working in the basement. With the walls and ceiling drywalled, it looks more like a room than a basement. Pretty soon, it'll be my turn to start putting in some hours down there while he hangs out with the boys.

1 comment:

ssouth said...

Yea Dominick! We're so proud of you!! The Shaffers