27 February 2008

Wish me luck

Here Noel is, almost 16 months old and not yet sleeping through the night. He's done it a handful of times, most recently last weekend, but the past two nights, he's woken up around 12:30 or 1:00 (usually it's more like 4:00-4:30), needing me to put him back to sleep. Enough, I say. Time to suck it up and do what it takes to enable us all to sleep without interruption. (Well, three of us, anyway. Dominick is a floor away and sleeps like a log.) Last night, I sat beside the crib while Noel jumped and cried, throwing his head back for dramatic effect. Slowly, he went from standing to sitting to lying down. Then, finally, he was silent. My unaided eyes couldn't see the clock, so I had no idea how long it took for Noel to settle down, but I hope tonight's ordeal will be shorter. Maybe by the weekend, he'll be sleeping all night. Cross your fingers!


Anonymous said...

I remember a similar experience I had with Dominick at your house, when he was still in the crib. It was nap time, I believe, and he was jumping and crying and wanting out. I sat there and spoke softly to him. He did the same as Noel, gradually slipping down until he was prone, and finally closed his eyes and went to sleep. But I bet it took 30 minutes.

Yes, I wish you luck. It's time for Noel to sleep through the night. It's time for YOU to sleep through the night!

Kelly said...

Last night wasn't too bad. Noel made it until 5:40 am, then went back to sleep until after 7:00. Tonight could be something completely different. I'm so ready to sleep through the night again!