01 December 2008

Greetings, December!

How lovely to wake up on the first morning of December to a blanket of snow on the ground. It's the perfect kind, too: just enough snow to give everything a pretty wintry look without sticking to the streets. Nice! Today was the first morning for dropoff at the door at preschool. We pull up, and a teacher comes out, unbuckles Dominick and takes him inside. It's a wonderful thing.

Thanksgiving was spent at home. When you have little kids, you know what a luxury that is. Christmas, with its annual around-the-state trek, will be here soon enough, so why make the trip twice? Mike took Thanksgiving week off, but Dom had school through Wednesday. I had all these grand plans for getting stuff done while Mike was on vacation, but in reality, my lengthy to-do list was barely touched. We had a nice Thanksgiving meal, just the four of us. I had a close call when Mike told me Wednesday night that the bird I had defrosting in the refrigerator was a chicken, not a turkey breast. Had this been discovered Thursday morning, it would have been too late, but I thawed the turkey in the sink instead. It cooked beautifully.

And now that Thanksgiving is over, the Christmas season is officially here. We've started decorating, and the Christmas music is on heavy rotation. I love it.

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