23 June 2010

Barnyard Moosical

Since we're still getting caught up here in blogland, I would now like to share a video of Dominick's kindergarten musical, held on May 4. His participation in a kindergarten-wide program (five classes, a total of about 100 kids) in front of a gymnasium packed full of parents, siblings and other family members was nothing short of miraculous. Consider that this is the same child who, a few short years ago, freaked out at parties when "Happy Birthday" was sung. My eyes were more than a bit misty when I realized that Dom was not about to run out of the gym screaming that night. He filed in with the others, wore his goat hat, sang and did the hand movements. The next day, he told me liked it so much he wanted to do it again. Dominick has come so far, and I couldn't be prouder.

The video below shows the part of the musical that featured the goats, a song called "Gourmet Pizza Pie."

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