06 January 2008

Happy New Year!

So far, 2008 has been rather uneventful, which explains my lack of posting. Being parents, we stayed in on New Year's Eve and observed our now-annual tradition of watching the "Twilight Zone" marathon on SciFi. Who am I kidding? We did that before having kids. The only difference now is that there is no way I can stay awake until midnight.

I suppose I need to come up with some resolutions to break next week. Hmmm...how about these:

1. Do a better job of planning meals so that we can cut down on carryout. I'm always happy when I choose recipes in advance, buy ingredients, and make something new that is healthy and tastes good. I just get too lazy for that sometimes.

2. Stop tearing my fingernails. (I've tried this one before, and I can't do it. There's no point in having this as a resolution, so consider it scratched off.)

3. Do more fun stuff with the boys during the day.

4. Find a sitter! (If only we could leave the Y when the boys are in Child Watch...)

By the way, Noel is 14 months old today. He seems so big and yet still so little. He's walking so much these days. Dominick will be four next month, which just can't be right, can it? He wants a phone cake for his birthday.


Anonymous said...

Well, at least one resolution you DIDN'T have to make this year was to get more exercise. That's a good one about spending time with the boys. That's one we old parents always wish we'd done better on. It's just so hard when you're in the middle of it and there's so much to do. I noticed the addition to Dom's sleeping companion list. Pharmacy receipt? That's hilarious!

Kelly said...

Oh yeah, he was so attached to the little paper bag and prescription information/receipt when we picked it up at Walgreens. He found it again yesterday and showed it to me excitedly.

I am proud of myself that this year I don't have to resolve to exercise, especially now that I've found a cardio workout I really like. Now I need to work around naps, preschool and playgroup to fit in all the classes I want to take.

Brandi said...

If you and Mike want a night out sometime let me know. As long as my Mike is home to stay with our kids I'd love to babysit the boys. I know Mike and I have a hard time finding someone to sit so that we can go out together. Most of our "going out" is done on seperate nights so one of us can stay with the kids. Maybe we could exchange babysitting services sometime...if you're crazy enough to want to watch THREE kids. :)

Kelly said...

Brandi, you are so sweet to offer. I know exactly what you mean about having separate nights out. It's easier that way but doesn't quite qualify as a date night! If you watch our boys, I'd definitely want to reciprocate. I'll manage somehow. :-)