17 January 2008

Walking and talking

Noel has suddenly become a very confident and fast walker. He rarely crawls anymore, unless he's been sitting down playing and wants to get somewhere without the hassle of standing up first. I love watching him walk, even now that he no longer holds his arms out in front of him. There's something about his little form toddling across the room that melts me. (As did the huge smile he gave me and Mike when he saw us outside the Child Watch room at the Y tonight.) He's such a pro that he can now walk while holding objects or drinking from a cup. I'm sure I'll start finding things in really weird places.
Not to compare the boys, but it seems that Noel will be verbal well before Dominick was, so I don't think we'll have any concerns there. Noel has added "uh oh" to his vocabulary, something Dom didn't do until he was two (and that was it). Granted, he's not really using in context yet, but he will. When we're driving, he practices saying it over and over again, so I hear this "ah ah, ah oh, uh ooh" sound coming from the back seat. Every once in a while, he'll squeal in delight, whether because he's proud of himself or because he saw something exciting.
Dominick--could he be the same boy who wasn't talking at age two?--talks in such long sentences now and asks lots of questions. I haven't compiled a list of funny things he's said lately, but here's a gem he lobbed at me yesterday after being reprimanded for taking a toy from Noel: "He can't play with anything. He can only play with bad stuff. Your stuff." Really, if you find it so repulsive, why can't you keep your hands off of it, my friend?

I have that vague yet ominous feeling that I am going to get sick tomorrow. Time to go crash.

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