19 July 2007

A minor breakthrough

Dom FINALLY peed on the toilet yesterday afternoon! It was only a little bit, and most went on the rim of the toilet or on the floor, but he did it all the same. (Immediately afterward, he said, "Now I can go to preschool!" Um, not quite.) Then he peed while standing in front of the sink, and a few minutes later, he peed about a gallon into his new diaper. Oh well! I'll take it. The good thing is that he's become much more receptive to the idea of sitting on the toilet, even asking to get out of the bath last night so he could do it again. We still have miles to go, but he's finally taken his first step.


Brandi said...

Yeah Dom!! John's starting preschool this fall too, but thank goodness they don't have to be potty trained the first year. We are nowhere near ready for that!!

Kelly said...

Neither are we, unfortunately. I'm getting stressed. We keep trying, but apart from that one time, nothing has happened. Somebody assure me he'll be able to start on September 10!

Anonymous said...

He will. Pop will make him ready!