20 December 2006

Dominick is really getting into Christmas this year. Maybe it helps that he can talk now. Last year, of course, he wasn't saying anything at all. What a huge difference. Unfortunately, as part of Dom's excitement about Christmas, he can't keep his hands off the tree. He's broken one ornament, removed several others, messed up the ribbon and made one strand of lights go dark, and he's constantly trying to do more damage. Mom and Sylvia, be warned! Next year, I think I'll do what we did for Dom's first Christmas and buy a tabletop-sized real tree. The big one is not worth the stress. I'm about ready to take down the tree now.

Because Dom loves Christmas lights so much, on Tuesday night we took him to see the Winter Wonderland at Tilles Park. It was pretty amazing. There were lights everywhere. Dominick loved it. His eyes lit up, and he had such a smile on his face. His favorite part was the big wreath that you drive under.

Last night I decided we had to do something about Dominick's hair because it was becoming embarrassing, so we set up a little chair in the kitchen, used a plastic bag as a cape, and Mike put on a rather ridiculous show using various stuffed animals, a potato, and a bottle of juice. I cut as quickly as I could but still couldn't finish before Dom decided he'd had enough, so he has a bit of a mullet. Even so, he looks much better. Tonight will have to be the sequel to Mike's play.


Brandi said...

No picture of the mullet? :)

Kelly said...

No, it wasn't my finest work, and now it's mostly gone. What a shame.