29 December 2006

Well, we survived Christmas and the tour of Missouri that goes along with it. The first stop was Joplin, then we drove to Naylor on Christmas and returned home on Thursday. For our first trip with two kids, the actual traveling portion went remarkably well. If only everything else had. Mike, Dominick and Noel were sick. Apparently there's a virus going around. All are doing better now, though Noel still has a nasty cough. One minor bit of good news is that Noel slept through the night for the first time on December 26. (It was a fluke.) I escaped the virus but spent the entire trip suffering from a ferocious case of poison ivy. Yes, poison ivy, even though I was not within 30 miles of the offending plant. I can thank Mike for bringing it home to me. He's done it before. On top of all this, Dominick was having some major sleep issues.

It wasn't all bad, of course. We had a great time visiting friends and family and showing off our new addition. Dom loved opening his presents. Here are some photos from our holiday, courtesy of the new digital camera:

The brothers in Joplin

Noel sleeping through the Christmas Eve festivities

Just a funny picture of Dom on Christmas

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