03 January 2007

Noel had his two-month checkup this morning. How sad is it that it took us all morning to get ready for an 11:00 appointment? The checkup went well. Here are his current stats:

Weight: 11 pounds, 3 ounces
Length: 22 3/4 inches
Head circumference: 40 cm

All are right on the 50th percentile line, where Noel's been since birth. I'd be curious to check his measurements against the new growth charts for breastfed babies put out by the World Health Organization, however. At the end of the appointment came the first in a series of immunizations, which are about as much fun for me to watch as they are for Noel. Poor guy. He did pretty well, though, and has two bandaids on each thigh to show for his ordeal.

The next appointment will be the four-month checkup in early March. I only hope Noel will make it that long. Dominick seems on a mission to become an only child again. I spend what seems like the greater portion of my waking hours--at least those not devoted to feedings-- stopping Dom from yanking Noel's arms off or pulling him out of his papasan chair. He's driving me crazy. It makes me sad to realize that one day, Noel too will drive me crazy. I think having a toddler makes me appreciate babies even more. Babies can't pull drapery hardware out of the wall.

Speaking of Dominick, yesterday Jacqui and I mutually decided to cut back on his OT services. I'm not sure how often she'll be coming (she has to contact Carol first), but it'll be every other week, if not less often. Given that Dom will turn three on February 21, he doesn't have much time left in First Steps anyway. What a productive time it has been! Jacqui remarked again how Dominick seems like a different child now.

His speech can be rather entertaining. Though he's using full sentences and his articulation has improved, Dom does say things like "hamburgerger" and "rectatangle." He also still says "muck" for milk. The other day, we were reading a book about monkeys which has a drawing of a banana peel on one page, and Dom exclaimed, "Oh! There's not a mamana in that peel." At least when he's not driving me to insanity, he makes me laugh.

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