18 December 2006

I have heard from several different sources that the first six weeks with a new baby, particularly a second child, are the most difficult. I remember that being the case with Dominick. Well, Noel is six weeks old today, so we have survived. Actually, it hasn't been that bad. My recovery was quicker, and for the almost the entire first three weeks, either Mike or my mom was here during the day. Dominick isn't consumed by jealousy as I feared he would be. We--Dom and I, anyway--have been eating reasonably well because we froze so many leftovers. Both boys often nap at the same time. I even found time to decorate for Christmas, although the outside of our house was neglected this year, and go to my first Mom's Night Out since Noel was born. Granted, he came with me, but he behaved very well.

Even though we're crazy busy, I don't feel quite as overwhelmed as I did when Dominick first came home. Having a cesarean after an incredibly long labor left me exhausted, so those early days are a blur. Dom was hungry every one to two hours day and night. I recall being resentful of him for the first month for needing to eat so often. I haven't felt that way about Noel. I guess I just know that's how it will be for a while. And what's so terrible about sitting down and bonding with my baby several times a day?

Lest anyone think everything is perfect here, let me assure you that is not the case. The house is a constant mess. (I like to think of it as "cozy.") Dust bunnies are rampant, and the bathtub is looking scary. Toys are scattered in every room. I have yet to face the treadmill. Dom and I desperately need haircuts. I haven't dared to take both boys on shopping errands yet, so the to-do list isn't getting much shorter. Don't worry, though: I'm not stressing about any of this stuff. I just had a baby, after all.

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