08 March 2007

We made it through our double checkup this morning. What an ordeal! Dominick did not want me to take his clothes off so he could be weighed, so I gave up and left his shirt on. Then getting him onto the scale was another big struggle. He eventually submitted to weighing but wouldn't allow us to measure his height. Later, after he'd wandered off and gotten a sucker from the other doctor, I told him I'd open it for him if he got back on the scale. Bribery works wonders. Noel cried much of the time while I was trying to deal with Dominick. After Noel received four shots and was not too happy, I fed him to calm him down, but Dom ran off again, so I had to chase him while still nursing the baby. Talk about multitasking. Dominick had one shot today and did such a great job! I was very proud of him. The shot was far easier than the weighing, honestly.

Anyway, both boys are doing well. To my relief, the doctor wasn't worried that Noel has not rolled over yet. Last night, he started to hold his head up while on his belly for the first time, and tonight he did it again. Dom did both of those things by two months, but he was so much bigger, too. Here are their measurements:

Dominick: 40 pounds (95-97th percentile) and 38 1/2 inches tall

Noel: 12 pounds, 14 ounces (25th percentile, a bit of a drop from last time) and 25 inches long (50th percentile). For comparison, Dominick was almost 16 1/2 pounds at the same age.

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