29 June 2007
One year ago
25 June 2007
Toys in the wall
Noel really found his voice today. He said "dadada" and must have thought it was pretty cool because he repeated it all day long. I've got to make a recording of that because it could be the sweetest sound ever heard on this planet. Adorable! He's also rolling around like crazy, so much that diaper changes have become very difficult. No crawling quite yet, but Noel has mastered the art of spinning around in a circle by moving his arms. He can also scoot backwards across the hardwood floors.
Dominick continues to say amusing things. If only I had a transcript of his phone conversations. They are hilarious, as his grandparents can attest. You'd just have to call him and experience it for yourself. Here are some other Dom sayings of late:
eessert (dessert)
not weawy
Doklin (Joplin)
muck (milk--still!)
hamburgerger (still!)
snot (snout)
cayrons/carrons (crayons)
my's, me's
That last one I mentioned before, but I put it here now because this is truly the age of my's. Not mine, my's. We're hearing that a lot, along with that other word so cherished by three-year-olds: no.
And now for some more pictures...
20 June 2007
My eye!
Yesterday was also fun because Dominick got almost his entire left arm stuck inside a toy's ball chute during playgroup. We had to use olive oil to release it. Fortunately, no lasting harm was done.
My dad, who is in town helping my grandma prepare for a yard sale, had a good idea for dealing with Dom's nighttime issues. Last night he told Dom to order the lights to stay on the ceiling, so they both pointed sternly at the light and said "Stay!" Maybe it was only a coincidence, but Dom slept all night without any disturbances. He did the same thing tonight, so we'll see how it goes. My fingers are crossed.
13 June 2007
Last weekend we--and by "we" I mean Mike--began preparing for our big basement remodel by removing a cabinet and taking down some of the plywood ceiling panels. There's a lot of junk to get rid of, too, even though we've already made three large Goodwill donations this year. Anybody want a Schlitz light fixture?
In closing, some new Dominisms...
unwet (dry, obviously)
par, har (pear, hair)
ope-ten (opened)
seed, doed, goed, broked (His past tense needs some work, doesn't it?)
mize, mees (as in "That one's yours, this one's mize.")
stuck together (Kashi GoLean cereal, which has some little stick-like pieces that can be single or fused in groups of two, three, four or six; "I want string cheese and stuck together.")
last night, yesterday (anytime in the past)
...and a new video. Our laptop suddenly insists that it has no audio device, so I haven't even been able to listen to this yet, but it should be pretty good because it involves a laughing baby.
07 June 2007
Happy Birthday, Mike
It turns out I spoke a little too soon about Noel's weight being an improvement. The nurse from the pediatrician's office called today to say that the doctor had looked at his weight and, while Noel has gained some, it's not as much as she would have liked. Percentile-wise, he's right at fifth, whereas before he was slightly above, so he's not catching up. The nurse asked me a series of questions about what he's eating, how often, how much at a time, how often he nurses, etc. She said we're doing everything right, and the doctor doesn't recommend changing anything, so we'll see her in August for Noel's nine-month checkup.
06 June 2007
Seven months
Mmmm, toes.
When I did these photos with Dominick, they started out fairly easy, but as he got older, he refused to stay still or keep his hands off the paper. The same thing is beginning to happen with Noel. Here's another photo from tonight's session:
I took Noel to the pediatrician today for his weight check. He's gained eleven ounces since last month and now weighs 15 pounds, 1 ounce. The nurse said he looked great. Before weighing him, she said he looks bigger. I think so too, but I see him every day, so I may not be the best judge of that. But his thighs seem ever so slightly chunkier.
03 June 2007
Sunday at the Garden
Going over the rope bridge. He must not have inherited my fear of heights.
Playing with the boats
Noel has started making some rudimentary vocalizations. I'm pretty sure he's said "ga," and today he said "da" quite clearly. It's very exciting. He's still eating well, so we'll find out on Wednesday whether his weight gain has picked up or not. Noel has liked everything I've given him so far, and he cries if I take a little too long getting his next bite ready or when the food is all gone. He's as impatient as his big brother, who, incidentally, is going to drive me crazy with his constant refrains of "Let's have a snack" (starting 20 minutes after a meal or snack) and "I want something else" (i.e. something additional) and "I need that!" Will we be able to afford to feed these two when they're teenagers?