07 June 2007

Happy Birthday, Mike

Today is Mike's birthday. Dom and I decided to set up a little family celebration to surprise him when he came home from work. I made a cake, and this afternoon Dominick and I frosted it. Actually, I handled the frosting and he licked the beater, then the spatula, then used his finger to scrape out the bowl. Somebody likes sugar! It was the first decorated cake that I made without help, and I think it is a respectable effort. We're going to be celebrating lots of birthdays from now on, so I'd better get some practice. We also put up streamers in the dining room, blew up a couple of balloons, and made the birthday sign you see above. Noel even contributed to that. The longer crayon marks in the top left corner are his. The other marks are Dom's attempts at letters, some better than others.

It turns out I spoke a little too soon about Noel's weight being an improvement. The nurse from the pediatrician's office called today to say that the doctor had looked at his weight and, while Noel has gained some, it's not as much as she would have liked. Percentile-wise, he's right at fifth, whereas before he was slightly above, so he's not catching up. The nurse asked me a series of questions about what he's eating, how often, how much at a time, how often he nurses, etc. She said we're doing everything right, and the doctor doesn't recommend changing anything, so we'll see her in August for Noel's nine-month checkup.


Anonymous said...

How did the celebration go? I hope he was touched that all his family got involved in the preparations!

I will be bringing Mike's gift from us up to StL next week, so he can have an extension.

Kelly said...

It was nice. Dominick tried to give away the surprise when we talked to Mike during the day, but Mike thought Dom wanted to make a cake, not that it was already done. So I think he was touched. Now to see what happens for my birthday, which is next!