13 June 2007


So far, a mostly uneventful week. We did host playgroup on Tuesday, and a good time was had by all. Even better, for some reason the kids were uncharacteristically neat this time. The house has never been so clean after a playgroup.

Last weekend we--and by "we" I mean Mike--began preparing for our big basement remodel by removing a cabinet and taking down some of the plywood ceiling panels. There's a lot of junk to get rid of, too, even though we've already made three large Goodwill donations this year. Anybody want a Schlitz light fixture?

In closing, some new Dominisms...

unwet (dry, obviously)

par, har (pear, hair)

ope-ten (opened)

seed, doed, goed, broked (His past tense needs some work, doesn't it?)

mize, mees (as in "That one's yours, this one's mize.")

stuck together (Kashi GoLean cereal, which has some little stick-like pieces that can be single or fused in groups of two, three, four or six; "I want string cheese and stuck together.")

last night, yesterday (anytime in the past)

...and a new video. Our laptop suddenly insists that it has no audio device, so I haven't even been able to listen to this yet, but it should be pretty good because it involves a laughing baby.


Brandi said...

That video is too cute! He is laughing so hard! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! I'll be watching this one over and over, too. Just hope Dom doesn't get carried away with the pillow when you're not in the room.

Kelly said...

Would you believe that our other computer also refuses to produce sound? Well, it does make this weird clicking noise but won't play anything remotely desirable, such as mp3s or baby laughter. Here's a job for our resident computer expert.

Anonymous said...

It's right up there at the top of all the baby laughter videos on YouTube! It should earn thousands of hits in the future.

Cherish the times in which both of these boys are having fun at the same time, and with each other!