06 October 2007

Eleven months

Only another month until Noel's first birthday! Wow. Here he is at eleven months. I really had a hard time getting these pictures tonight. Apparently Noel thinks it's funny when I'm trying to take his picture and he won't stay still. (I'll upload more of my attempts to the Picasa account.) He made up a new game where he sits up, immediately falls backward and laughs hysterically. He did this on the bed, so he had a soft landing.

This morning, after Dominick had meltdowns at soccer and the farmer's market, we all went to the local fire station's open house. We averted another meltdown by heading straight for the hot dogs. After we ate, Dominick got to sit in a helicopter. He was disappointed he couldn't ride in it. Later, the helicopter took off, so of course everybody gathered around to watch. Nobody anticipated the dust storm that the helicopter created, and we were all covered in dirt. It was a little humorous.

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