28 October 2007

Another new video starring Dominick

This video is a few days old, but it was sideways as originally recorded, and I was determined to find a way to fix it. The answer was on my computer all along. Someday, I'll go back and rotate the video of Noel in his crib. For now, enjoy this one. It's really quite amusing.

Okay, I have to share this, too: last week, I joined the Y! I'm very proud of myself because this is a big step for me. I've never been able to stick with any form of exercise in my life, but over the past few months I've decided I need to do something. My very active and fit parents inspired me to take Pilates, so after doing a lot of research I found just the right place: it's convenient, not too expensive, and offers free child care to boot. I was actually excited to sign up and get started, which is very strange for me. And now I'm talking about it here. Please forgive me.


Anonymous said...

Cool! Love the clip of Dom saying the pledge of allegiance. Did he learn that at school? Also enjoyed your description of your active, fit, inspirational parents! Can't wait to hear about your pilates class. I know you'll enjoy it. It's such a great stress reliever.

Kelly said...

Yes, he learned that at school. We didn't know they recited it until Mike heard Dom saying it one day.

You did inspire both me and Hannah to join the Y and take Pilates, so now we're all doing it. Thanks! I'm sore today after going yesterday, but it's a good feeling.

Anonymous said...

We have been at Pilates for 3 years now. Your mom started a week or two, or three, before I did. I started in early November, I think. So it's 3 years now. It has had its effect on me. I am more toned now. It will work for you, too. I just wish all 4 of us could take it together, here in Joplin, with Angela teaching.

Kelly said...

I was all psyched to go today, but alas Mike has given me his cold, so I'm feeling pretty cruddy. Sunday, then. Maybe you can join me at a class over Thanksgiving!