08 October 2007

First crush?

While Dominick was lying under the dining room table today, he said, "I like Emma in my class. I like her dress." Hmmm. Could it be that he likes a girl at the tender age of 3 1/2? He usually doesn't talk much about his classmates or activities at school, so this came out of nowhere. I hope this Emma is a nice girl. She'd better not break my boy's heart!

The three classrooms at preschool had their Color Days parade and picnic this morning. They'd been working on tshirts and a banner over the past few days. The parade was incredibly cute. The Red Room, Dom's room, lined up first, some marching music was played, and the kids paraded, holding hands in pairs, around the lawn. Unfortunately, when Dominick saw me, he left the parade and never really made it back in. He did sit with his class for a photo op.

The Red Room

Dom in his Color Days t-shirt: along with his soccer shirt, he's starting to build a collection for a future quilt. (Hint, hint, Mom!)

I haven't posted any Dominisms lately, so here are a few new ones. In addition, he's peppering his speech with certainly (e.g. "I certainly am hungry") and isn't it? doesn't he? etc. It seems like half his sentences end that way. I guess I say those kinds of things more than I realized, so now I've gotten really self-conscious about it. On to Dominick's sayings:

canative movement (creative movement, which they do on Mondays at school)
canola bar (sounds yummy!)
areo (radio)
osteraunt (restaurant)
Wisabelle (his older woman--she's six--two houses up the street)
I like these. These are incredible. (He was looking at a box of colored pencils.)

Something else funny: Dom went to sleep tonight holding a fabric swatch from Crate and Barrel. Some kids have their loveys, he has a square of chocolate microfiber.


Anonymous said...

Tell us about the gas tank obsession. That's a new one. You mean the one on the car with the little door that opens?

BTW, love the 11 month photos and the Dominisms.

And, sure, save those t-shirts and I'll make a quilt.

ssouth said...

In all my years of working with kids, I've never met an unkind Emma! I'm betting she's a keeper! Jenny

Kelly said...

He likes to open gas tanks on other people's cars if they're the kind that open from outside. I can't always stop him in time. Some of his toy cars have gas tanks (just the carved outline, of course), so he always points those out. Who knows why, though.

I'm glad you enjoyed the new material. I'll definitely collect Dom's shirts for a quilt. He'd probably love that.

Kelly said...

She has nice parents, so I'd say Emma's probably a sweet kid...unless she was one of those who got a timeout for throwing gravel on the playground. Dom says he did not.

Anonymous said...

Sleeping with a fabric swatch! That's hilarious!