02 November 2007


The keys on the computer are sticking because somebody spilled milk on the keyboard last night. Care to hazard a guess who that was? We're lucky the computer works at all.

We had a good Halloween. My boys dressed up as the tortoise (Dom) and the hare (Noel). They were very cute, but I just realized that I don't have any good pictures of them together. (I've got to post one, though, so there it is. Noel was so tired because he skipped his afternoon nap.) Our playgroup had a party on Tuesday, but Dom refused to wear his turtle shell, so I ended up not taking any pictures there. His preschool had a costume parade and party on Halloween proper. Dom held up the parade looking for me in the crowd of parents. I'd learned my lesson from the Color Days parade and was hiding. Eventually he saw me and left the parade as he had before. And of course, Halloween night we went trick-or-treating. Dom kept saying "trick or treat" before anybody answered their doors, so we drilled the routine into him. Then at one house, the owner was sitting right in front of the door, but Dominick stood next to him and knocked on the door, waiting for somebody to open it. The man thought that was pretty funny, as did we.

I should start a list of the weird things Dom has taken to bed with him. He used to hold a toy car or plane, but then there was the fabric swatch a couple of weeks ago. Earlier this week it was a large flashlight battery, which I later heard crashing to the floor (he didn't wake up). Last night, he slept with a USB cord. Don't worry--it was still coiled up and fastened with a twist tie, so there was no risk of strangulation. Strange kid.

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