13 November 2007

One-year checkup

Usually these things are called "well baby" visits, but today Noel was sick, so I was glad we had the appointment scheduled. Turns out he has croup. Poor thing. His illness gave him a reprieve from immunizations, which will just have to be postponed until next week. Dominick had no such excuse and took his flu shot with much drama, but when the nurse offered him a sticker, he stopped crying and followed her down the hall.

Apart from being sick, Noel is doing well. His numbers have held steady, which is really good considering how active he's become. He weighs 19 pounds, 7 ounces (10th percentile) and measures 29 1/8 inches tall (25th percentile). His head is a whopping 90th percentile. Both boys have big heads, stuffed full of gray matter, I presume. And large blue eyes. :)

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