29 November 2007

Where did the month go?

I guess it must be a slow news month around here, or maybe I'm just too tired to post much of the time. We've got to get these boys to sleep all night! One night last week, I actually got seven hours of uninterrupted sleep before Noel woke up. That's the longest stretch in months.

We had a nice Thanksgiving. My parents, sister and brother-in-law joined us here for the holiday, our first time hosting it. We had a great time eating and hanging out. There was some game on Saturday night, but my mom and I got caught up on What Not to Wear instead.

The boys are doing well. Dominick alternates between giving me an ulcer and charming me. He still loves preschool. Drop-offs started this week. It's awesome! Instead of having to park, unbuckle two kids and walk around the building to Dom's classroom, we just drive up to the south door, and a teacher comes out, opens the car door, unbuckles Dominick, and takes him inside. Dom's also having lots of fun playing with "Wisabelle," but we learned last week that she is moving. Fortunately, she'll still go to the school just down the street, so she'll be around. Her dad promises to keep in touch.

Noel can really walk now, though he still crawls quite a bit. You can see how proud he is. His receptive language is expanding every day. He'll clap, flop on a pillow or give a kiss (a slobbery, open-mouthed one) if you ask him to. Today Dominick was holding a bag clip and said, "Noel, look at this clip!" and Noel started clapping. The other big development for Noel is that he seems to be giving up his morning nap. Also, he's become extremely clingy and gets very upset if I leave the room. All of this is happening right on schedule.

As for me, I must have been replaced with a pod person from outer space because I've started exercising on a regular basis. My muscles were probably on the verge of atrophy, but now I've been going to the Y about three times a week, mostly for Pilates. I even went on Thanksgiving morning with Mike to a spinning class. The Child Watch program makes all the difference. Two hours of free babysitting for two kids--I'd be a fool not to go. The boys like it, and I can do something for myself, so it's a win-win situation.


Anonymous said...

Hurrah for the pod delivery! I'm really happy that you've found a way to get out and exercise, be around others who value that, and, best of all, have some time away from the boys--precious as they are, of course. I'm sure this will make a huge difference in how you handle your stressful life. I loved going to the Y with you, so want to do that every chance we get.

Kelly said...

I went to Moira's abs class this morning. Wow, am I going to hurt tomorrow! She's relentless, going through one painful ab exercise after another. I'm going to go to spinning again soon. The classes will be free during the upcoming mini-session. Maybe I'll try yoga, too.

When I picked Noel up from the nursery today, he was repeatedly kissing himself in a mirror. The mirror was on a toy that leans back slightly, so he had to lean forward every time. It was hilarious.