01 December 2007

Poor Dominick

Tonight, I asked Dom to pick up his underwear and pants from the bathroom floor and put them in his closet with the other dirty clothes. He refused, then said, "You do it, Mom" (uh, no!) and finally confessed the real reason for not obeying: he doesn't have any feet! And here I was pressuring him to clean up. I'm so mean. Other times, his hands aren't working. Today, however, they worked well enough for him to call directory assistance. Lovely. At least it wasn't 911.

I should title this post "Poor Noel. " He's been sick since having three shots yesterday. Despite not feeling well, he learned to stack two blocks today. It was the first time I showed him how to do it, and he caught on right away.

In other news, we finally got rid of the Schlitz light fixture today. I can't believe nobody wanted that thing! I put it on Craigslist but had no interest. Amazing, considering how all our guy friends thought it was so wonderful. Now if anyone wants it, they'll have to buy it at ReStore.

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