05 November 2007

Upcoming appointment

But not anytime soon! We've been planning to take Noel to see a dermatologist about his birthmark, so this afternoon I called to make an appointment. I was surprised to find that this particular doctor's first opening for new patients is April 11. I took it, hoping that maybe someone will cancel in the meantime. We're going to find out exactly what kind of birthmark Noel has and how it can be treated, not for our sake but for his. Not long ago, we had our first comment from a stranger, who basically got in Noel's face and shouted "Whoa! What's that?" when we came to his checkout line at Lowe's. Incidentally, a friend of ours had done about the same thing a few months earlier. We do NOT want this kind of thing to happen when Noel is big enough to understand, so that is why we will explore treatment options. We think he's perfect as he is.


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh! this makes me so mad. Just want to smack people who are that crass. Noel IS perfect. but I completely understand why you'd want to do anything to prevent him suffering at the hands of stupid people. Too bad you have to wait so long to get some answers.

Brandi said...

I can't believe how rude some people can be! I understand why you'd want to see what can be done for it, for him, but honestly, I don't even notice it...I'm too focused on his gorgeous eyes. Man I want a blue eyed baby, but I don't think I can talk Mike into trying for one. :)

Anonymous said...

Checkers aren't always the brightest folk. Had one at Sam's ask with some certainty if Teagan was a boy, despite her pink pants. He even said "I saw the pink, I just thought she looked like a boy. She has a big head like a boy." I'm well aware she has my huge noggin, but my first thought was still something like "Dude, have you ever MET a parent before?" Aimee and I erally weren't insulted, but we were surprised someone would be ignorant enough to say that aloud to strangers.

Anonymous said...

By the way, Happy Birthday to the birthday boy with the gorgeous, heart-melting blue eyes! (I agree with Brandi.) I can't wait to give him a big birthday hug Friday night.

Kelly said...

Fortunately, most people focus on those amazing eyes. How could you not? We get more comments on Noel's eyes than anything else.

Still, I've always been shocked at people who seemingly can't filter what they're thinking before opening their mouths. It's not just kids being cruel in junior high. I guess those kids grow up to be ignorant adults. What good does it do to make personal remarks, unless you know it will be taken as a compliment? You're not telling the other person something they don't already know (except in the case of a baby), and chances are, they'd prefer not to have it pointed out. I've been on the receiving end of such comments often enough to know I want to spare my kids the emotional pain. (Middle school wasn't fun.) Getting off my soapbox now...