12 April 2008

The dentist and the dermatologist

The boys have been busy this weekend. Yesterday morning was Noel's long-awaited visit to the pediatric dermatologist. She confirmed that his birthmark is a port-wine stain (nevus flammeus). She called his birthmark small, which I'm sure it is compared to some of the marks she's seen, and said it is not considered disfiguring but rather a distinguishing feature. I like the positive sound of that. Because of its proximity to the eye, there is a very small possibility of complications, namely glaucoma. The doctor said it is unlikely to be a problem, but we can rule out any issues by having Noel examined by a pediatric ophthalmologist. Treatment of port-wine stains is by pulsed-dye laser. For a child of Noel's age, general anesthesia would be required. He'd need to have four to eight treatments. The big question now is whether our insurance will cover the treatments. We'll figure out how to proceed after we find out.

Dominick went to the dentist this morning. It was a pretty quick visit because there's really nothing to be done. Dom will have a slightly different smile for a couple of years until his adult teeth are ready to come in. Oh well! We'll get used to it.

The rest of the morning was spent on more-exciting things. Mike and Dom headed to Whittle's Shortline Railroad store in Fenton from the dentist's office, while I took Noel to the Teeny Weeny Olympics, a PAT event. Then we all gorged ourselves at Sweet Tomatoes. Dom's hilarious. Thirty minutes after we got back home, he tells me he's hungry. Hello?!?

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