03 April 2007


Last weekend, our big excursion was a trip to the pet store, which was holding a hamster race. We thought Dominick might like it, and it was free, so why not? In reality, it was pretty lame. They started about 15 minutes late, too, so that was annoying. Dom didn't seem too interested in watching the hamsters, but he did enjoy wandering around the pet store. By the time we left, my allergies had started up. Too much fur and too many feathers for me in that place.

With Dominick's speech explosion as of late, I need to start a list of the amusing things he says. It's possible they might not be as amusing to anyone but his mom, but I'll share them, anyway. Here's a few to get started:

"He just bless-youed."

"I don't want to get thunder on me."

"You made it! You made it all the way to top!" [In this example, he's referring to himself as "you," proudly telling some other kid that he (Dominick) climbed all the way up the ladder to the slide at the park.]

"I'm combing Mommy's hair. That will be nice."

"That plant isn't happy."

"Two R's! Bump!" [Can you guess? Railroad tracks.]

Interestingly, some of Dom's quirkier words have remained despite his overall improvement in enunciation. For example, he still drinks "muck" at mealtimes, has a toy "bullbozer," eats "hamburgergers" and knows all his shapes, including the basic "rectatangle."
I feel like I should say something about Noel, but there's not much to say at this point. He spends his days being cute and not napping. He's still only rolled over twice, but he can do a 180-degree turn in his crib.

I'll close by posting a couple of recent photos. Nothing terribly exciting, just the boys hanging out in the living room. Dom always makes silly face when I tell him to smile. I love Noel's concentration face in the second photo.


Anonymous said...

Love the Dominisms! Keep them coming. Great term for them, too. And the photos are wonderful. Noel is just too cute for words.

ssouth said...

I hope you print all this out sometime, so you'll have a record to look back on when they're all grown up! What a smart boy! The thunder commment is my favorite. I'll have to use that one! Jenny