17 April 2007

Easy day

Dominick slept very well last night, so it was Noel's turn to wake up a little more than usual. He made up for it in naps, however. His two naps today totalled more than five hours. Don't ask me how that happened! We had playgroup here from 10:00 to 1:00, and he slept through the whole thing. Dominick was a good boy today, so all in all, the day went about as well as it could have.

Dom is still talking frequently about the lights coming down. Apparently it's not just the one in his room. I pointed out the screws in the study's light fixture this afternoon and assured him that the light was fastened firmly to the ceiling. And before Mike put Dom to bed, he had a similar discussion about the light in his room. The turtle again is banished from Dom's room.

Noel has become quite a roly-poly little guy. He can roll both ways now and has even gone completely over (back-front-back) in a fairly quick sequence. He's also pushing up nice and high on his arms. Just a couple of weeks ago, I was worried that he wasn't doing these things, but obviously there was no need for concern.

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