16 April 2007

Rough night

Last night was a little dramatic. Dominick has been having some strange dreams. He woke up around 1:30, crying, and when Mike went down he said that the lights were coming down and the turtle's (one of Noel's toys) eyes and mouth were moving. I could hear Dom chattering about it over the monitor. Mike put him back to bed a few times and came back upstairs, only to hear Dom cry again. The crying woke up Noel at 2:00, but once he ate for about two hours, off and on, he was good for the rest of the night. Mike brought Dominick up to our room for a while, which didn't do any good (it never does because he doesn't want to sleep), then laid down with him in his bed until he finally went to sleep around 4:00. We were all tired today, so I hope tonight goes better. Several times today Dom mentioned the lights coming down and the turtle's eyes moving. We took the turtle out of his room before he went to bed tonight in an effort to prevent any further problems.

Something else interesting is that Dom was upset by an episode of Little Einsteins that we watched this weekend. A baby chimpanzee has lost his parents, not in the dead sense but in the missing sense, and the Einsteins help him find them. Dominick said, "He is missing his mommy and daddy," then his mouth turned down more than I would have thought possible, and he started to cry. I went to comfort him, and he grabbed me and pulled me to him. Mind you, I'm holding Noel, too, so we are all very cozy. A few minutes later in the show, the characters came upon three large African masks on a bridge, and the first one was sad. Well, that set Dominick off again in exactly the same way. We stopped watching shortly thereafter. He's mentioned a couple of times since then that he doesn't like that episode, so I've deleted it from the TiVo.

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