11 December 2008
Dominick's Christmas list
Bertie bus
Ball thing that shoots balls on you
His very own paper clip
Years from now, when Dominick's gift requests total hundreds of dollars, I'll wistfully look back upon this first Christmas list of his. It's so modest. Awesome. Unfortunately, we don't know what ball thing Dom is talking about. And I didn't know he cared for Batman. Batman isn't Thomas!
09 December 2008
Just a virus, thank goodness
When Noel and I got back from his busy afternoon yesterday, Dominick was excited to show us the handmade Do Not Enter sign hanging across a doorway. Two chairs had been set up in front of it so that, as Mike told me, he and Dom could sit and look at the sign. Next, Dominick wants to make a Wet Floor sign. To each his own, I guess!
01 December 2008
Greetings, December!
19 November 2008
Just the three of us
12 November 2008
New look
09 November 2008
Photos from the birthday festivities
Blowing out the candles. He really did!
Not exactly loving the cake. He eventually ate a few bites.
That's a hot pig-in-a-blanket! Or perhaps I should call it a cow-in-a-blanket.
06 November 2008
Birthday boy
To celebrate Noel's birthday, Mike took the day off, and when Dominick finished school, we went out for lunch. After Noel's nap, we made a brief visit to the zoo to take advantage of what might be the last day of warm weather. My silly boys--we couldn't interest them in seeing the animals. All they wanted to do was find the train tracks and crossings throughout the zoo. We did manage to see an elephant and some big fish at the River's Edge and catch a glimpse of two small black bears and some sea lions. Then it was back home for a few presents and dinner. Saturday will be a (very) small family party.
03 November 2008
So we handled pneumonia, but now we're having to deal with another evil: the time change. Noel was awake before 5:00 this morning but only took an hour nap today, so there was much fussing by evening. My fingers are crossed that we make it until 6:00 tomorrow.
01 November 2008
Home again
As we left the hospital, we stopped by the rooftop garden. What a great place. The weather was insanely nice today, by the way. Is it really November already? Somebody's got a birthday in five days!
31 October 2008
Noel's third visit to the ER (and first hospital stay)
24 October 2008
Friday night at the Y
The Y was a madhouse, yet some intrepid souls dared to work out in the midst of it. The gym held several activities, such as cookie decorating, tattoos, games, and a huge inflatable slide. After a costume parade around the track, the kids lined up in the gym for the costume contest, judged by Thing 1 and Thing 2. The first award was for Most Original Costume, and the winner was...drumroll...the apple tree! Woo hoo! We estimated there were about 150 kids, so I was pretty excited to have won a prize. Of course, as the ribbon was presented, one of the apples fell off. We lost a few leaves, too, so I'll have to do some repair before the next Halloween event. Darn that cheap felt.
The finale tonight was a pumpkin rescue in the pool. Dominick wasn't grabbing any pumpkins, so I fished one out from the side of the pool as the canoe went by and gave it to him, but he promptly threw it back into the water on the opposite side of the boat. I did manage to snag another to bring home.
So it was a fun evening, more than worth the $5 admission. I hope the late bedtime (9:00) translates into at least a 7:00 am wake-up for the boys, but I'm not holding my breath. I should also mention that I have been a Y member for a year now, and I'm still actually going! That's something of a miracle for me.
19 October 2008
Noel's second visit to the ER
Update: Noel slept until 7:20 this morning (late for him) and has been acting normally since he got up. His forehead doesn't look too bad, considering. Luckily, both the glue and stitches will dissolve on their own, so there's nothing more we need to do, other than watch for signs of infection, which are rare in injuries like this. The doctor expects it to heal beautifully and leave a small scar. Maybe it will heal as well as Noel's finger. That scar is almost imperceptible. Amazing.
14 October 2008
Girls and boys
08 October 2008
Health and home
And now Noel and I are having our own issues. He's been limping since yesterday, and today he held his leg and said "hurt." Also yesterday, something happened to my right pinkie toe. I have no idea how I hurt it, but it's bruised all around, swollen and painful. Very strange.
On the house front, the chimney is finished and looks beautiful. Getting rid of that nasty red has greatly improved the appearance of the entire house. Here is how it looks now:
And for comparison, a really "before" picture, taken just before we bought the house in September 2000:
[Shudder] I hadn't looked back at this roll of pictures in a long time. Wow, we've done a lot of work on this house! Maybe some day I'll add more photos of the house before and after to Picasa. Some of you may not have seen all the changes we've made, and some might just want to relive such special memories as the (badly painted) bright blue garage doors, fuschia playhouse trim, fake parquet and fake flagstone carpets, gun racks in the basement, and the Schlitz light fixture. Actually, all of the light fixtures were hideous. And yet, despite all of the renovation, our to-do list remains a mile long. It never ends.
03 October 2008
New photos
We've got another busy weekend ahead: chimney painting, moving several shrubs, fixing the broken hose so that I can water the transplanted shrubs, working on Halloween costumes (the boys will be trees), and many other things on my list upstairs. Tomorrow we're doing something fun, at least: the fire station is holding its annual open house, which we attended last year. I'm sure I'll have pictures from that to post later. Have a great weekend!
30 September 2008
The latest house project
23 September 2008
A silly boy and a poor daddy
Mike had a fun day yesterday. He went to an oral surgeon to see about a clogged salivary gland and ended up having it removed. Apparently, the surgery did not go very well. It's never good when the doctor yells, "We have a bleeder!" Mike's been taking it easy since and seems to be feeling a little better, but he'll be on meds for a few more days.
15 September 2008
Rant on behalf of my innocent child
Speaking of Noel speaking, he's really starting to put words together, two to three at a time. Sometimes it sounds like more words, though longer efforts are usually unintelligible. I'm sure they mean something to Noel. He says "please" a lot, which is lovely. We had a cute little exchange yesterday: I was changing him and singing "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" to keep him still. The second I took a break, he said, "Again. Song, please." So I continued, but a second later he held up his hand to me and said, "Dop! Dop!" You know, as in "dop sign." Funny.
11 September 2008
Welcome to the Yellow Room
In other news, I learned today that the insurance company upheld its original decision regarding coverage of laser treatment for Noel's birthmark. No dice, as Dom would say. (The things his daddy teaches him!) The next step would be to appeal to the state of Missouri. We may do that just to see what happens, but honestly, if that effort fails, I'll be okay with it. I don't love the idea of putting Noel under six to eight times for treatment. We can always do it later, too, although the benefit of doing it soon is that Noel won't remember anything. I spoke to his dermatologist this afternoon, and she told me, interestingly enough, that her teenage daughter has a birthmark on her cheek, and she (the daughter) has chosen not to have it treated. We'll see. I'll keep you all posted.
07 September 2008
Back from Branson
Thursday evening: arrival at Tribesman Resort (stayed in a one-bedroom apartment with full kitchen and free washer and dryer) and a late dinner out. Noel just about fell asleep at the table.
Friday: Silver Dollar City. We had decided to pass on this because of the expense (about $150 for admission) but sucked it up and went anyway. Then we experienced the most amazing phenomenon: season-ticket holders giving away guest passes at the entrance to the park. We were approached twice, but the first time it didn't work because we had to enter with the season-ticket owners, who had already gone in after giving us their discounted passes. A second generous couple came up to us, this time with free passes for adults and $5 off a child's admission, so we got in for $36! If this kind of thing happens often, it was news to us, and we were blown away. Not only that, the weather was absolutely perfect, and we had a wonderful day, staying from opening until nearly closing. Dominick loved the Lost River, American Plunge, and the Flooded Mine. His favorite part of SDC? The railroad crossing. He drove us crazy constantly wanting to see the "bump." Another memorable moment was when Dominick stripped down to his underwear to run through the fountains near Geyser Gulch. It was a struggle to put his clothes on again. After all that, he didn't really go in the fountain. Noel's favorite part was the ball play at Geyser Gulch.
Saturday: Miniature golfing (the fastest, most frenetic game I've participated in, although I did get two consecutive holes-in-one) in the morning, lunch, back to the resort for Noel's nap (yes, he took a good one!), then out again for go-karts and dinner. Despite all the fun, the highlight of the day, for me, had to be when we returned to our room for the afternoon. Dominick, poor deprived child, was fascinated by the wrapped bar soap and amused himself for a significant amount of time by talking about it, wrapping it in a towel to give to Noel for his birthday, and then creating conversations between the bar soap and a penny. Both were later lost, but Dominick took it like a man.
Sunday: home, and time to get ready for a new school year and a new refrigerator tomorrow.
(That's me and Dominick in the front of the boat going down the American Plunge.)
03 September 2008
The staycation ends
24 August 2008
The pool, at long last
Check out the Picasa site for more pictures from the pool today and the rest of August's adventures thus far.
23 August 2008
Thanks, baby!
20 August 2008
More Tour de St. Louis
Note: I've just added July's pictures to the Picasa album here.
06 August 2008
Time to catch up
We went to Joplin to see my parents and gush over their new garage, landscaping, and flagstone patio. I'm so jealous! While there, we treated Dominick to his first movie theater experience ("Wall-E"). The movie was good but perhaps a bit too much for Dom, especially considering the length and volume of the previews and commercials that preceded it. Come on, theater people!
The four of us went to the Magic House. The admission there is ridiculous: why is it $7.50 for anybody over 12 months? Fortunately, we used two buy-one-get-one coupons, and we had a good time. (I'll post pictures eventually.) One of these days I'll get Dom to touch the big metal ball to make his hair stand up.
The dark area underneath Noel's fingernail along the line of the laceration has gone away. Maybe it was just dirt after all.
Dom can eat a full-sized cheeseburger with bun, a hot dog with bun, and potatoes and still want more.
I reworked the curtains in the boys' room, shortening them and adding sewn-in lining. This project was fraught with difficulties (it seemed like I made every mistake possible), but I persevered. Treating it as a learning experience helped me keep a positive attitude; otherwise, I might have chucked the sewing machine out the window. Thank goodness for my seam ripper.
Dom and I went to the Soulard Farmers Market together. He was overwhelmed by all the sights and sounds but got a balloon-dog-hat out of it, so he was happy. I bought blackberries and made a blackberry-white peach thing with not-so-puffy puff pastry on top. I'll call it rustic.
Noel uses words for real communication now, not just labeling. Even more exciting is that he's started telling me when he has a dirty diaper, which gives me hope that he'll toilet-train earlier than Dominick did.
I learned that Noel definitely does not like chocolate. Could this really be my child?
Dominick, on the other hand, loves watermelon, pronouncing it "gooder" than black beans, pickles, everything.
I can have an allergic reaction to cats just by holding a baby who lives in a cat-infested house. (Sorry, Storms!)
Mike has haunted eBay over the past two weeks, searching for the perfect Thomas set for the boys. I don't know how many auctions he bid on before finally winning two. Dom is going crazy waiting for the stuff to arrive. When that day comes, Mike wants me not to open the packages before he comes home from work. That will go over well with Dominick. "Sorry, sweetie, but you'll have to wait another six hours to play with your 52 new engines." [Update: Box 1 arrived just after I posted this. I let Dominick take out 21 engines and some track before Mike came home. Now they've set up a fairly elaborate track in the basement.]
Watch for new photos on Picasa...sometime.
30 July 2008
23 July 2008
Closet reader?
I have to mention something funny Dominick said yesterday at dinner: "I'm stirring it up so it bes a lot gooder." I'll let him get away with that for now because he's four and it's cute.
21 July 2008
15 July 2008
Homegrown goodies
Dom with the plants before the pepper fell off
11 July 2008
A belated happy Fourth of July
01 July 2008
July already?
So, what have we been up to since June 22, when I last posted? My memory is short-term tonight, so let's stick with the past weekend. It was very productive, with a little bit of fun thrown in. I won't bore you with the productive part of it (weeding, car washing, garage cleaning, blah blah blah). The fun part was a trip to the Incredible Pizza Company, which was new to us. It's a cross between CiCi's and Chuck E. Cheese's, basically. We went with our friends and their one-year-old daughter. It was good, though a bit high-priced (six dollars for go-karts???), but something different to do. Dominick bowled his first game ever, with some help from Noel, who loves balls. Dom's score was 44. The gutter bumpers were like little fences with widely spaced posts and stopped short of the pins, so they were somewhat useless. Dom was robbed, if you ask me.
Noel amazes me every day with his burgeoning vocabulary. I can't begin to keep track of all his words, but here are a few new ones: soap, cup (meaning gallon of milk), TV ("tee"), pea, pee, poop, horse, belly, nose ("pose"), foot, bird, sock, light, hot, cute, bite, goose, Thomas ("Nah-meh"). I've been trying to teach him animal sounds, but he gets a little mixed up. Me: "What does a dog say?" Noel: "Cow."
In closing, here's another fun fact from Dominick: bees bite your hair to make it shorter. Who knew?
18 June 2008
Tour de St. Louis: Raging Rivers
Raging Rivers was fun. First we went to the kiddie areas, but the boys weren't really into those. Dom didn't like the bucket dumping water, and Noel cried when I got him two feet from the Itty Bitty Surf City. Dom did ride the Cascade Body Flumes. I took him first, holding him tightly on my lap. It was fast! We landed at the bottom with a big splash, going under the water slightly. I assumed Dom would be freaked out by that, but instead he said, "Let's do it again!" He liked the wave pool, too. Noel was most interested in pushing the stroller around. By naptime, he was getting pretty cranky, so we left at 3:00.
Back at home, I saw on the park's website that it will close starting Friday because of the flood. Our original plan had been to go then, so I'm glad we went today! I took some pictures and will try to post them to Picasa tonight or tomorrow.
13 June 2008
Overheard today
Hmmm, where do you suppose he heard such a thing?
10 June 2008
Summer school begins
I have to say here that now I feel somewhat older, having made Dominick his first school lunch (peanut butter and jelly, a mix of leftover peas and cauliflower, and grapes). Working a booth at his school carnival last month did the same thing. I've been a mom for more than four years, but I still don't feel like a "mom," if you know what I mean. I'm still me. I remember when I was a senior in high school, not feeling as mature as I thought the seniors looked when I was a sophomore. It's that kind of thing.
08 June 2008
Here we go
Here are Noel's newest words: cracker, bubble, eye, balloon, paper, hat, shoes, teeth, fish, cheese, cup, down, phone, Cheerios, ball, my (he's even said "my book"), car, truck ("guck," just like Dom used to say), hi, sit, strawberry. He also likes to say "poe," which may sometimes mean pillow. Also, he refers to his boy bits as "peese" (as in "peace") or "beese."
Even more pictures are up on Picasa. Yesterday was Mike's birthday, and we went to the zoo to celebrate. It was the third stop in our Summer 2008 Tour de St. Louis. On Friday, May 30, we went to the Boathouse in Forest Park to eat lunch and ride the paddleboats. My months of spin class came in handy there. It was a lovely day, a perfect beginning to our jaunt through the city, but I FORGOT THE CAMERA! All the mental reminders to bring the camera were for naught. I came home and stole some other people's Boathouse pictures from Flickr, but that's only small consolation. What I really wanted, obviously, were pictures of us. Lesson learned. The second stop on our tour was the Missouri Botanical Garden, which is holding its Niki de Saint Phalle exhibit. I took the boys on Wednesday morning, and we had a good time. By some miracle, I remembered the camera that day.
As for the zoo, it was fun and not too hot first thing in the morning. Noel had never been before, so he needed to go. Dom's favorite part was the train, specifically the train tracks. He didn't even go in the fountain in the Children's Zoo because he just wanted to go to the tracks. The only other thing he cared for was a bench with bugs in the seat. I'm not sure what Noel liked best. Maybe it was the slide in the Children's Zoo. He did well on the train, not laughing but not crying, either.
07 June 2008
Scrambled eggs
Daddy thinks we can have worms for dinner.
If you don't feed me [i.e. I know how to use a spoon but don't feel like doing it myself], I'm going to take your drinks away!
I'm going to throw away all your crossword puzzles! (Whoa, Dom! Calm down!)
The clouds had to pee to get out some rain.
I'm going to take all of the kids outside the house who came here, and I'm going to throw them at spiders. (Nobody was here. When he's mad, it's amusing to watch him try to come up with things like this to say. He always emphasizes certain words, usually the threatening verb, which makes it even funnier.)
dried-out Play-doh with hooks (dough ornaments)
I forgot to wash my other hand.
I had a nice, long list of words from Noel, too, but it apparently went to the recycling cart. That's what I get for reusing random scraps of paper. My memory won't tell me the words now, so I'll try to coax them out later. I'm probably better off going through the recycling cart. In the meantime, check out the Picasa page. I finished May and started a folder for June. I wasn't happy with my point-and-shoot digital camera, so I've switched back to my film SLR. I'd forgotten what a pain film is, but at least I'm getting better pictures. In a somewhat risky move, I've bought a digital SLR on eBay. Here's hoping it actually arrives and is in the described condition. The digital just isn't doing my gorgeous boys justice. I do like the movie mode, so I'll keep using it for that.
In case you're wondering, the post title is a reference to Paul McCartney's working title for "Yesterday." I couldn't think of anything on my own (it's getting late), so I'm taking Paul's idea.
26 May 2008
Anniversary weekend
So after this relaxing weekend, we met Mike's mom to pick up the boys this afternoon, and wouldn't they immediately start crying and fussing? Noel made it very clear that he didn't want to go back in the carseat, and Dom insisted he hadn't just eaten the snack I'd given him. Having come off two days of peace, I was in a state of mind to find it all amusing. Still, it is good to have the boys back. I guess I've gotten used to having them around. The house was so strangely quiet without them.
By the way, I've finally gotten around to renaming my recent photo files, and I even managed to post them to Picasa. They're in folders by month from March through May, so I won't embed them here. April is pretty sparse. I don't know what we did all month.
21 May 2008
Off-topic post: AI results
17 May 2008
Have you seen a little boy?
Saturday afternoon we went to a barbeque at our friends' house, and while we were there, Noel managed to wander off. I guess Mike thought I had taken both boys back inside when Dominick said he wanted to eat. A little while later, I was giving Dom his lunch when Mike walked in alone. "Where is Noel?" I asked. The look on Mike's face told me we had a problem. We ran outside and started searching for Noel. Mike took the car, while I ran up and down the block frantically, asking anyone I saw if they'd seen a little boy. A man from a few doors down went off on his four-wheeler or riding lawnmower or whatever he'd been on in his yard to help look. Soon, word reached our party that Noel had been found. Apparently, he had been playing with a ball and kicked or rolled it from our friends' driveway all the way down the block and around the corner toward the next street. When Mike drove that way, he spotted Noel, who had already been found by a woman. It didn't take all that long to find him, but in that time, my mind was playing out a number of scenarios, none of them happy. I couldn't wait to get Noel out of the car and hold him. Not long after, with Noel safely inside the house eating lunch, a police car pulled up. A neighbor must have called the cops. The officer came in to see Noel and make sure everything was alright.
So that's the latest incident in our family. What could possibly be next? I can't take much more of this!
13 May 2008
12 May 2008
The first of many school photos
The class picture is cute because very few of the ten kids (three were missing that day) are actually looking at the camera. Dom's doing something funny with his arm. Still, it's nice to have that picture for Dom's (neglected) baby book.
Noel said a new word tonight: apple. He was pulling out pieces of play food and said it while holding up an apple slice. Supposedly, toddlers have an explosion of vocabulary at 18 months. We missed out on that with Dominick, so I'm looking forward to experiencing it with Noel. I'm happy with anything he says, of course. I was trying to post a video of Noel talking on the phone, but YouTube is having issues right now, so I'll have to add it later.
07 May 2008
Noel's visit to the pediatrician
Weight: 23 pounds, 8 ounces (almost 25th percentile, up from 10th)
Length: 30 3/4 inches (10th percentile)
Head circumference: 49 1/4 cm (a whopping 90th percentile. Why do my boys have such big heads?)
Fortunately, there's not much more to say about the checkup. Noel's a healthy boy, if small. The next visit, barring illness or injury (that sound is me knocking on wood), will be at two years, which doesn't seem that far away.
29 April 2008
In loving memory
27 April 2008
The big move
After moving the crib, we went to visit the goats that live up the street. Meryl was outside when we came by, so she introduced us to two beautiful, snow-white goats who were born six days earlier. She took the goats into the tennis court next to her house and told Dominick that if he ran, the goats--Olivia and Rebecca, in case you were wondering their names--would follow him. I really wished I'd had my camera with me! It was fun to see Dominick cavorting with the two baby goats. Noel loved them, too.
25 April 2008
Update on Noel's finger
17 April 2008
From the mouths of babes
"He thinks hands are for hitting."
"Our house is not where we live."
"I don't like fun."
"Daddy wrote 'The Nutcracker.'"
"Everything in this house is mine."
"My stomach's not full. All my food went down the toilet."
"You can wipe my behind if you want to."
Also, Dominick tells me that he has three hammers in his stomach for mashing food. They don't have handles because there's not room, and they work by themselves because he doesn't have a hole in him to reach them. You learn something new every day, don't you?
And now I get to brag on Noel, who has a nice little vocabulary of his own: up, down, ball, book, Mama, Daddy, diaper, bathroom (by which he means the toilet), truck (guck, just like Dominick used to say), door, cheese (dee), hi, bye-bye, no, wow. He's good at combining words with gestures, like when he needs my help and points under a table and says "ball," or when he waves "dye-dye." The funniest thing is when he plays phone. He'll pick up a toy phone (or any other remotely phone-shaped toy), put it to his ear, say "hi," wait a second, then set it down with a "dye-dye." He did this repeatedly while we were driving the other day.
14 April 2008
Show and tell
12 April 2008
The dentist and the dermatologist
Dominick went to the dentist this morning. It was a pretty quick visit because there's really nothing to be done. Dom will have a slightly different smile for a couple of years until his adult teeth are ready to come in. Oh well! We'll get used to it.
The rest of the morning was spent on more-exciting things. Mike and Dom headed to Whittle's Shortline Railroad store in Fenton from the dentist's office, while I took Noel to the Teeny Weeny Olympics, a PAT event. Then we all gorged ourselves at Sweet Tomatoes. Dom's hilarious. Thirty minutes after we got back home, he tells me he's hungry. Hello?!?
10 April 2008
When it rains...
After Dom fell, it took him several minutes to realize that a tooth was missing, but he wasn't upset about it. He commented, "One of my teeth is gone. It'll grow back soon," and later, "I don't have 20 teeth anymore." He looks like he's been in a fight, what with the missing tooth and the black eye he has sported since Saturday, when he ran, slipped and hit the front of the computer desk. Cross your fingers that Dom's preschool doesn't call child protective services when they see him tomorrow.
Ironically, I was just telling our PAT educator this morning that, since Noel's accident, people have been telling us that with boys, these things are going to happen. Life with two boys, indeed.
26 March 2008
Spring Break
An update on Noel's finger: it's healing fabulously. The fingernail fell off last Wednesday morning. Who knows where it went. Surprisingly, the finger looks much better without the nail just sitting there. Everything is nice and pink, and the line where the tip was reattached is difficult to see. Noel has no pain and no need for the splint anymore. That's just as well, considering it kept coming off.
20 March 2008
Good news!
After the doctor visit, we headed across the hall to the hand rehabilitation clinic, where Noel was fitted for a splint. We have two: a small one that fits on his finger and a larger one that wraps around his hand. Somehow, neither one wants to stay on, but maybe once Noel gets used to wearing it, he will leave it alone. The splint will protect Noel's finger better than the bandages did, so the pain should be less now. He cried quite a bit overnight, so it must have been bothering him.
19 March 2008
Needing happy thoughts
We have another appointment tomorrow morning. Noel probably won't be very cooperative. Not that I blame him, of course. He's been through a lot, especially for a 16-month-old.
I'll post again tomorrow.
17 March 2008
Noel's visit to the orthopedic surgeon
I've started scouring the Internet for some sort of device to prevent this from happening again. Apparently, the British are much more interested in protecting little fingers from amputation by door than we are. I did find some finger guards, just not many that are suitable for exterior doors. If anybody has experience or recommendations with these, please let me know.
15 March 2008
Me, I still can't get the sight of him caught in the doorway and his damaged finger out of my mind (they will be there forever), but I am coping better now. We're just focused on taking care of Noel and getting to his appointment on Monday, where we'll see how well his finger has been healing. I will keep you posted on what the doctor says.
13 March 2008
Poor baby
08 March 2008
A promotion
Here are some of Dom's latest humorous sayings:
Blincoln hat (Lincoln hat. Get it? Abe Lincoln...A blincoln. They made Lincoln hats in preschool. Dom's is pretty funny. I have to take a picture of him wearing it.)
Plumper (plunger, as in "The plumper! The plumper! Get the plumper!")
Inspired ("Are these coupons inspired, Mama?")
Tepescope (did I post this one before?)
A different kind of Isabelle (I wish I could remember the context. He must have been talking about some other girl.)
Dom: I don't have boo-boos 'cause I don't feed babies.
Me: Boys don't have milk like mommies.
Dom: I have milk, right here. (points to cup)
And my favorite, spoken while sitting on the toilet at 2:00 one rough night:
I just love that baby so much. I love all you guys.
07 March 2008
Hooray for Dominick!
For anyone who doesn't know, Mike and I are big American Idol fans. Our tastes in TV are pretty divergent (sports versus design and cooking shows), so this is one show we can watch together on a regular basis. (I think he's a closet What Not to Wear fan, but he'd never admit it.) Anyway, I was sad to see Asia'h Epperson go, simply because she is from Joplin. So much for that Idol viewing party in a couple of weeks! I liked her well enough, but the guys are more interesting to me this year. With Asia'h gone, I'm rooting for our other Missourian, David Cook, as well as Jason Castro and Michael Johns. I have to admit I liked Danny Noriega, too, because he was full of attitude. He was to American Idol what Christian Siriano was to Project Runway, minus the extreme talent.
01 March 2008
February turns into March
On February 16, we had a smallish party, his first with friends his age. Everything was great for the first few minutes, until Dominick fell and busted his nose. Subsequent pictures show him with band-aid under nose (more for comfort than function) and blood on clothing. He wouldn't let us clean him up at the time. My cake design turned out very well, if I do say so myself. For months, Dom had been requesting a phone cake, so that's what I gave him. My parents and sister came into town for the party, which was much appreciated. We all played Rock Band Saturday night, except for my mom, who chose to be our fan. Dominick took cookies shaped like 4s to preschool the day before his birthday. He did a beautiful job decorating them with glaze and sprinkles. On his actual birthday, Mike took off work so we could celebrate properly. Unfortunately, I was sick, and the weather was horrendous. We braved the sleet to eat out for lunch and play at Monkey Joe's, which is full of huge, inflatable slides and bounce houses. Dom loved it. We knew he would. That night, we recycled one of Dom's cakes, which had been frozen since the party, and let him blow out candles again.
This morning, Dominick started swimming lessons at the Y. We put him in the Terrified of Water class. We know our boy! It went as we expected. One of the teachers (not his) ended up spending the entire time with him in the pool. Mike and I had gone dressed to work out but were glued to our seats in the lobby, watching him. We could see that he was crying. Why didn't any of the other kids seem terrified? Eventually, Dom calmed down and splashed a little, even laughed, but he told us later that he doesn't want to swim again.
This afternoon, we took advantage of the weather and went to Laumeier Sculpture Park. You'll see some of those pictures in the slideshow. It was interesting to see that some of the sculptures I remembered from last spring's visit with my parents had been removed.
An update on Noel's sleeping habits: I am cautiously optimistic about his progress. After a couple of rough nights, he slept through the night last night, until 6:30. Woo hoo! Dominick has his own nighttime milestone. He's been staying dry overnight, so we've started having him sleep in underwear. It's just as well, considering he's basically outgrown his extra large Fuzzi Bunz. He really seems like a big boy now.
I'll close with some words of wisdom from our birthday boy: "Fake leopards don't get you. They only do nice things."
28 February 2008
Seven band-aids
Dom and Noel are growing in their established patterns, one at each end of the charts. Here are the current measurements:
43 pounds (95th percentile)
41 1/2 inches (75th)
21 pounds, 11 ounces (10th percentile)
30 1/2 inches (25th)
This visit included Dom's first blood pressure check, which he allowed only after the nurse demonstrated putting the cuff on my arm. She also tried to do hearing and vision tests, but he didn't cooperate with those. Colette said that's normal for a four-year-old. Maybe next year!